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Oferta pracy

Lead Python Developer

Kraków, małopolskie, Polska Dodano: 2024-06-11 | ID oferty: 2204827

Lead Python Developer
NR REF.: 1185290

Python, Airflow, Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins 
Contract of Employment! 
Hybrid model of work! 

Your new companyGlobal Finance aspires to be the best finance function in the financial services industry, delivering powerful insights to our customers, within the bank and externally. We work as a seamless team to support company’s businesses to deliver our strategy.This role is focused on building new, future-proof modelling solutions.
Your responsibilities
• Build and implement Global Treasury Python-based modelling solutions.
• Support building and implementation of Global Treasury containerised solutions and CI/CD automations.
• Deliver a coding environment that is easy to use, is robust and can be fully re-used.
• Provide automated solutions for fast and agile model build and deployment.
• Work closely with tech leads, business stakeholders, Quantitative Analysts and IT to create synergies across different functions and departments and contribute to the end-to-end design and planning.
• Implement software strategically, following best practice to ensure that solutions address the evolving business and regulatory requirements.
• Work closely with the Quantitative Analytics teams to build software solutions that are practical, workable and comply with accounting, regulatory or other requirements.

What you39ll need to succeed• Strong experience in backend development of large scale applications and systems in Python, especially for cloud environments, preferably including development of libraries and designing/extending of APIs.• Experience in building and maintaining containerised solutions and CI/CD pipelines for end2end automations on cloud-based platforms (GCP, Docker), preferably utilising Jenkins and Github integration is considered a plus.• 5+ years of relatable experience.• Strong knowledge of at least three of: Python, FastAPI, Apache Airflow, S3, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Docker.• Experience in writing technical documentation and test-driven development.• Knowledge of finance, particularly quantitative finance, experience of Risk or Analytics is nice to have

What you39ll get in return•Competitive Salary•Annual performance- based bonus•Additional bonuses for recognition awards•Multisport Card•Private medical care•Life Insurance•One-Time reimbursement of home office set up (up to 800 PLN)•Corporate parties and events•CSR Initiatives•Nursery and Kindergarten discounts•Financial support with trainings and education•Social Fund•Flexible working hours•Free parking

What you need to do now

If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.
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